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RUTA A ANTIOQUIA 05 1 mountain bike peru
2007.VALLE .PACHA 1 mountain bike peru
RUTA A ANTIOQUIA 13 mountain bike peru

Cycling Lurin Valley


The choice for a cycling ride on gravel/paved roads with low traffic and outside the main city.
The ride starts in the main valley of Lurin River, one hour south from the city.

Season: April to December
Level: Intermediate+
Average Stats: 700+ mt Positive Elevation / 65+ Km loop / 4h00 hours riding time. Terrain: Gravel and paved roads

About the Place:

Lurin River is south of Lima, it is born in the Andes highlands and runs down to the coast. This ride is in the lower lands, and depending on your preparation we may plan the longest track or some partial distance, This is one of our classic rides, especially for training or for some challenging climbing day.

About the Ride:

This is a ride on gravel and paved roads. Dending the season we ride from Pachacámac to Nieve Nieve or Cieneguilla to Sisicaya villages. 26K to 34K of climbing distance depending the season. Rideable practically the whole year.

Is ideal for people who rides frequently on road or gravel bikes. In case you are an eventual rider we recommend to ride the Pachacamac Valley with a total distance of 22 or 36 Kms and 250 mt of elevation gain.

What to bring:

Try to bring your basic equipment: helmet, gloves (if not, we provide them). 
A wind vest or a couple of layers on winter days. Sunscreen is needed the whole year.
There are many places to buy food and water during the ride, so carrying a litre of water is maybe enough.

Start/finish in our office
Price per person
1 p
2 p
Lurin Valley


Meeting time:
From April to December: 6:00 am.

INCLUSIONS: Mountain bike full suspension or hardtail, as available, helmet and gloves. If you bring your biking shoes we can include SPD pedals.

NOT INCLUDED: Meals, snacks, water or any personal spend.
Transportation from your hotel to our office.:

To get to our office you may take a taxi, 10 minutes from Miraflores or Barranco, average cost of 5 USD.
Pick-up service not included.


It may be done the whole year, the starting point on winter is cold with 15°C of temperature, however as the ride advances and begin to climb the temperature rise to warmer or hot reaching 20°C to 26°C on a dry and sunny land increasing the sense of heath and the need of drinking water.

Any broken or damaged part of the bike or equipment, intentionally or not, caused by riders or terrain issues must get paid back at commercial prices (ex: frame, levers, gears, derailleur, tyres, wheels, helmet, gloves, etc).
Any injury caused by any reason during the ride is the full responsibility of the rider and any medical or transportation cost must be covered by the rider. This is an adventure sport activity subject by its nature to any kind of non-expected events.

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