The four lakes
Beautiful landscapes surround this biking ride in a quiet land at 3800m height, historically the place where the most important Andean revolution against Spain's crown began and ended.
We can make it both ways, South to North or N2S, If we begin south you must start at Sangarará, a historical place, the village where Tupac Amaru native forces began the revolution against Spain in 1771.
From Sangarará you have to go following the right side of the lakes. so first you must point to Pomacanchis village to follow Lake Pomacanchis, then Lake Acopia, it has no straight connection with Lake Asnacocha so you have to guess, otherwise must get back to the main road, cross the mountain that divides both lakes and then get as fast as is possible to the right hand to continue to Tungasuca, the last of four lakes. If you adventure you will must try to find the way to cross the mountain, maybe carrying your bike by some shepherd’s trail.
This land is the connection center of many others, from here you may go to Surimana village at Apurimac Canyon, or go to Qeswachaka, the ancient Inca hanging bridge, or continue by road to Yanaoca where the options are to ride down to Sicuani city, or maybe climbing for an hour to pass and downhill to Tinta village at the main highway.